Channel: Arlington Heights Park District – Cardinal News
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Neighborhoods Park District Banner Stolen from Cronin Park on South Vail Ave, Arlington Heights


Arlington Heights police received a report about 11:51 AM Thursday of park district property theft at Cronin Park, 300 South Vail Avenue. Police received a report that an unknown offender or offenders removed a 4′ x 3′ vinyl banner showing information about the current referendum proposed by the Park District. The banner is valued at less than $500.

The crime is reported to have occurred between Friday, November 2, 2012 at 3:30 p.m. and Sunday, November 4, 2012 at 8:15 a.m.

An unknown offender or offenders also vandalized a banner that was discovered Tuesday Election Day labeled with the words “NO MORE TAXES” with red spray paint.

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Will The First Amendment “Freedom of Religion” Trump All for the Nativity Scene at North School Park, Arlington Heights?


Arlington Heights North School Park has been in the national media this past few weeks, including “The O’Reilly Factor” on Fox News Channel, regarding a controversy over permission to put a private Nativity Scene on Arlington Heights Park District property as part of the holiday display of lights, toys and other holiday decorations during the Christmas season.

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments). The First Amendment prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

— Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)

The liberties of freedom of thought, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of expression are now a vital part of international human rights law. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948 at Palais de Chaillot, Paris. The Declaration arose directly from the experience of World War II and represents the first global expression of human rights to which all people are inherently entitled.

Two questions come to mind regarding the placement of a Nativity Scene at North School Park in Arlington Heights.

Question 1. Does placement of a Nativity Scene at the public property of North School Park involve making a law respecting an establishment of religion?

Question 2. Does restricting the placement of a Nativity Scene at the public property of North School Park impede the free exercise of religion?

On Question 1, the answer is “No” … neither the Village of Arlington Heights nor the Arlington Heights Park District has written any law or ordinance or park rules that force the respect of the religion of Christianity associated with the Nativity Scene. No law is forcing citizens to convert to Christianity, to pray, or bow, or walk past, or even look at the Nativity Scene.

On Question 2, the answer is “Yes” … restricting a Nativity Scene at North School Park impedes the free exercise of religion. The Nativity Scene is perfectly acceptable as long as it does not involve disorderly conduct, is not dangerous; and as long as the Nativity Scene has the proper liability insurance and waivers attached.

Many argue against Christmas-related displays in public places on the grounds that it originated as a pagan holiday, and that Christmas happens to be an extension of the pagan holiday(s) — “So it’s not even Christmas anyway.” Regarding the controversy of the Nativity Scene, it doesn’t matter if the faith of Christianity is wrong, or if some detail is inaccurate, or if the Christmas holiday is derived from a pre-Christian festival, such as Saturnalia — an ancient Roman festival in honor of the deity Saturn and festival of light celebrating the coming new year. Saturnalia, which originally was held December 17 and was later expanded with festivities through December 23, was finally designated as a celebration on December 25 as the Dies Natalis of Sol Invictus (the Birthday of the Unconquerable Sun). Saturnalia is among many celebrations near the Winter Solstice that atheists and others use to attempt to invalidate Christmas. Whether Christmas is derived from these pagan festivals or whether it developed coincidentally doesn’t matter. What matters is that freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of thought and progressive understanding are not prohibited.

Without freedom of thought there can be no such thing as wisdom and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech.

— Benjamin Franklin, 1722

There are many arguments against public displays of Christmas traditions based on an effort to nitpick away at details and inconsistencies, but all are irrelevant minutia compared to the enforcement of the First Amendment. Among scholars of history, there is greater agreement that Jesus did truly exist, than on when Christ was born, and of course, whether Jesus is truly the Son of God, or whether God even exists. In fact, even within Christianity, there are different dates of celebration of the birth of Jesus, but this doesn’t invalidate Christmas. The original date of the celebration of the birth of Christ in Eastern Christianity was January 6, in connection with Epiphany. January 6 is still the date of the celebration for the Armenian Apostolic Church, and in the nation of Armenia, where it is a public holiday. In Greece, gifts under a Christmas tree are opened on January 1. In Italy, Spain and Germany, and the United State, to name a few countries, Christmas Day is on December 25. The lack of knowledge of the exact date of the birth of Jesus does not invalidate the existence of Christmas any more than the lack of knowledge of the exact date that the last Brontosaurus walked the earth invalidates the existence of dinosaurs.

Atheists and some agnostics declare they are offended by placement of religious displays, artifacts and symbols in public places. Some believe the displays coerce people to believe they must be Christian or act as Christians, even though there is no law forcing the respect of an establishment of religion. Yes, Christians believe that Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, performed miracles, founded the Church, was crucified and died to achieve atonement (which makes possible the reconciliation between God and creation), rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven, and that Christ will return. Is it a far-fetched fable or myth? There are many that believe the whole story of Christianity — from Jesus being born from a Virgin to rising after the dead — is one of the biggest frauds of all time. But there are many churches in town with followers that follow with faith the multiple reports of the birth and life of Christ and the belief of Christianity as central to their religion.

Most of the “War on Christmas” camps come from atheists, secular humanists and progressive liberals who believe expressing Christmas on public property is scoffing at the whole idea of separation of Church and State. Some believe that prohibiting Christmas Displays protects “victims” who may feel obligated to the spirit of Christmas or coerced to the religion. To these “protectors” the “victims” are apparently too weak to resist or interpret correctly the message of Christmas. The opposition is not so much from other religions, such as Judaism, or Buddhism or Islam; or the heritage-honoring celebration of the ideology of Kwanzaa — perhaps because the members of those religions and groups would reserve the right to exercise the expression of their religion or pagan celebrations. Some day, maybe other religions and pagan groups will represent their observances at North School Park, which has already successfully represented many forms of artwork at art fairs for several years.

“Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men (where men means all human beings) or “On Earth Peace to Men of Good Will” is central to the Nativity Scene. The Annunciation to the shepherds is an episode in the Nativity of Jesus described in the Bible in Luke 2, in which an angel or angels tell a group of shepherds about the birth of Jesus. Many more angels are alleged to have appeared, praising God with the words “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” Also recorded in the Gospel of Luke, shepherds are reported to have been terrified by the appearance of the angel while they were tending their flocks in the countryside near Bethlehem. The shepherds are reported to have traveled to Bethlehem, and found Mary and Joseph and the infant Jesus lying in the manger. The Adoration of the shepherds and the arrival of the Magi — the Three Wise Men, Melchior (a Persian scholar), Caspar (an Indian scholar), and Balthazar (an Arabian scholar) bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh — then occurred at the Nativity Scene.

The human rights of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of thought are the results of the evolution of the Cardinal Virtues of Classical Antiquity — the Cardinal Virtues having been written before the New Testament and the account of the birth of Jesus.

The four Cardinal Virtues are:

Prudence (Wisdom)
The ability to judge between choices to act appropriately at a given time.

The perpetual and constant will of rendering to each human being, his or her rights.

Fortitude or Courage
The forbearance, endurance, and the ability to confront fear, uncertainty and intimidation by individuals or government.

The practice of self-control, abstention, and moderation, as from Aristotle for example, the desire for nourishment (hunger/thirst), taste, sex, smell, hearing, and vision; and wanting things or experiences other people have endorsed.

The Latin word “cardo” means hinge, and also applies figuratively to the principal or chief moral concept which other morals depend, or to the hinge of the door, which the moral life swings during turning points, critical moments or actions.

On the Lighter Side …

How social media, web and mobile technologies tell the story of the Nativity — a Christmas story told through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Wikipedia, Google Maps, GMail, Foursquare, Amazon and more.

A Nativity Scene is expected to be permitted at North School as early as this week and on display this upcoming weekend.

The Players
Jim Finnegan is the Barrington resident and former Arlington Heights resident belonging to the Illinois Nativity Scene Committee, who submitted a formal Arlington Heights Park District use permit application Monday for a Nativity Scene he is trying to donate or locate at the annual holiday display at North School Park.

Steve Scholten is the Arlington Heights Park District Executive Director who reports that Arlington Heights Park District attorneys are meeting with Finnegan to determine the logistics and requirements (dimensions and electricity) of the display.

Tom Brejcha, the founder and President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas Moore Society — a not-for-profit, national public interest law firm based in Chicago that exists to restore respect in law for life, marriage, and religious liberty. In the Arlington Heights issue, the law firm is working to ensure the freedom of express of religion in a public square. The law firm is not to be confused with the Thomas More Law Center, based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, which has different key issues, but perhaps similar values.

Maryfran Leno is the Arlington Heights Park District Board President, on record saying the Nativity Scene was “inconsistent with the park district’s long-standing practice of using only its own property in the display” … “We said thank you very much, but no thank you,” Leno said. (Daily Herald/Nov. 23, 2012).

Rob Sherman, the Buffalo Grove resident, political activist, and atheist, who attended the most recent Arlington Heights Park District board meeting urging members not to approve the request, calling the actions by the Thomas More Society a “scam” and a “bluff.” Sherman has opposed the placement of Christian crosses on village stickers in the Illinois cities of Burbank, Rolling Meadows and Zion. He threatened a lawsuit in 1987 against the park district in Zion, Illinois causing the park district to move the Nativity scene to private property.

In a Washington Post article “Atheist Crusades Against Public Nativity Scenes’ Illinois Man Prods Towns to Remove Creches” (Dec 24, 1987) Rob Sherman was quoted saying “Nativity scenes create a climate where people think that we’re a Christian nation … It creates a misimpression that we’re supposed to be Christian.”

Tom Brejcha, Thomas More Society President, on the O’Reilly Factor explaining his representation of Jim Finnegan in efforts to have a Nativity Scene displayed at North School Park.

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Thomas Moore Society founder Tom Brejcha, interviewed by Martin Bashir, discusses Bill O’Reilly’s “War on Christmas” metaphor, and the issue of getting an Arlington Heights Park District permit to display a Nativity Scene at North School Park.

For nearly 60 years, the city of Santa Monica has presented a series of dioramas featuring Nativity scenes, but this year, rather than fight with the atheists, the city has decided to eliminate the tradition of hosting the displays. Atheists say they are offended by the use of public land for display of religious scenes.

See also …
Catholic Online Atheist insists on lose-lose scenario in nativity fight

Nativity Scene Permit Approved at North School Park; Installation is Saturday Dec. 15, 2012


The Arlington Heights Park District approved a permit to display a privately-funded nativity scene at North School park, effective Saturday, December 15, 2012 through Sunday, January 6, 2013.

Initially the display was not approved while the park district stated the nativity display was inconsistent with their practice of using only their own decorations — a toy-themed display. Also a permit was not requested.

On behalf of Jim Finnegan, chairman of the Illinois Nativity Scene Committee and former Arlington Heights resident who requested the Nativity Scene, the Thomas More Society submitted a formal letter of complaint, saying their right to display a Nativity Scene is protected under the First Amendment.

The park district consulted attorneys, and today permit for the nativity scene is approved.

Installation is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. Saturday with supporters and local church members expected to celebrate with prayer and songs.

North School Park has had religious displays or events in the past — a National Day of Prayer in 2002 and an interfaith service remembering the September 11 attacks in 2011.

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Nativity Scene Shares Picket-Fenced Free Speech Area at North School Park with Freedom from Religion Foundation


A “Freedom from Religion Foundation” banner popped up Friday, December 21, 2012 next to the Nativity Scene at North School Park.

Face north in the northwest corner of North School Park and you’ll see two messages: The Gospel symbolized by the birth of Christ as Saviour in a Nativity Scene with hope for peace and good will upon men (and women too), which is on the left. On the right is the message from the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF), “There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell. There is only our natural world. Religion is but myth & superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds.” The opening day for the Nativity Scene was celebrated on Saturday, December 15, 2012. The FFRF Chicago Chapter placed their banner next to the Nativity Scene on Friday, December 21, 2012.

“Solstice is the ‘reason for the season’ in Arlington Heights”
The Illinois Nativity Scene Committee (INSC) urged the Arlington Heights Park District to incorporate a nativity scene into the park’s annual holiday display back in November, but was initially refused. The Park District has displayed secular light displays that feature holiday toys, a Santa Claus, a Dreidel (a common Jewish toy this time of year) and a Christmas Tree, but the Village of Arlington Heights and the Arlington Heights Park District labels the tree a “holiday tree” — a decorated pine tree placed in the center of North School Park. The Thomas More Society represented the INSC, claiming that federal law and the Constitution protects freedom of expression of religion in a public square. The park district apparently agreed, and permitted the Nativity Scene with a disclaimer.

This Publicly Owned Property is a Public Forum for the Expression of Constitutionally Protected Free Speech. The Arlington Heights Park District does not Sponsor, Finance, or endorse these Expressions.

— Arlington Heights Park District North School Park Sign

At a celebration of the Nativity Scene as a visual representation of the Gospel, which was presented by local religious leaders Rev. Bill Zavaski, pastor of Saint James Catholic Church and Rev. Calvin Lindstrom of Christian Liberty Academy; Atheist Rob Sherman also celebrated the proper negotiations with the government for agreement about the display, the proper recognition of the First Amendment , and the example set here in Arlington Heights that Christians and atheists can be friends despite “theological differences.” He complimented the display with its proper notice by the Arlington Heights Park District and the separation of the religious display from the secular displays at the park.

The Freedom from Religion Foundation is a little more adherent to their namesake, however; rejecting the placement of the Nativity Scene at a public place. FFRF doesn’t want the Nativity Scene place there, and to protest places their banner adjacent to the unwanted religious displays.

“It is our hope that one day government spaces will be free from religious — or irreligious — displays, but until then we will do our best to counter these unlawful displays and remind passersby (sic) of the ‘real reason for the season’ — the Winter Solstice.”

— FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor

The FFRF press release claims that the reason for the season is the Winter Solstice with no mention of the tradition of Christmas as a celebration at this time of year.

Nativity Scene on the left and the Freedom from Religion Banner on the right.

Interesting video (unedited) by a third party showing an interview by Fox News interviewer Jesse Watters at a Freedom from Religion Foundation rally in March 2012.

Jesse Watters interviews are comedy productions that mix interview responses with movie and television clips taken in or out of context, and are known as Watters’ World (See the video ‘Watters World’ goes to an atheist rally). The interview compilation is followed by a question and answer discussion between Bill O’Reilly and Jesse Walters. In the follow-up regarding the atheist rally, Watters claims the crowd was lukewarm toward him with a few rabble rousers trying to get under his skin. He described the crowd as mostly Democrats that want more political power and representation in Congress. They were described as hardcore activists that told him they cross out the words “In God We Trust” when they receive money from the ATM. Watters said they believe they are assaulted by Christian political values involving abortion and contraception, for example. Watters claimed about 15 percent of Americans are atheists and mentioned a poll (uncited) that resulted in data that led to a conclusion that a Muslim presidential candidate or a gay presidential candidate would be preferred over an atheist presidential candidate. Watters said there were about 10-20,000 people at the rally, which was a sort of coming out rally to encourage closet atheists to feel comfortable expressing their belief — or non-belief.

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Autumn Harvest At North School Park, Saturday Oct. 5, 2013


Kick off the Fall season at Autumn Harvest, Saturday, October 5, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at North School Park, Arlington Heights Road and Eastman Street. Start making your plans now for the scarecrow building contest (we supply all you need), taking a hayride, enjoying kids crafts and live entertainment, or visiting the animals at the petting zoo.

Live entertainment acts will be scheduled throughout the event. Bring your creative side for the Scarecrow Building Contest (all materials will be supplied), which begins at 11 a.m. Scarecrows will be judged at 2 p.m.

Get ready to enjoy a wonderful day of Fall activities for the entire family. This event is sponsored by the Village’s Special Events Commission in cooperation with the Arlington Heights Park District.

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Arlington Club Strawberry Soda? Heritage Gallery Exhibit “Made In Arlington Heights”


Ever wonder what soda pop, sewing machines, school desks and milk cans have in common? They were all produced in Arlington Heights. Come explore Made in Arlington Heights,the Arlington Heights Historical Museum’s exhibition. See what was manufactured in your very own town and learn more about the entrepreneurs and businesses that made products in the village.

Made in Arlington Heights, sponsored by the Arlington Heights Historical Society, can be viewed in the museum’s Heritage Gallery located at 112 W. Fremont St. The Gallery specializes in local history exhibits drawn from the Historical Society’s collections and local, national and regional traveling exhibitions that explore the broader context of our history. There is no admission fee for the Gallery, but a suggested donation of $2.00 is recommended.

No holiday or party was complete without a selection of Arlington Club soda. Many Arlington Heights residents still remember making that trip to the soda pop factory to stock up on their favorite flavors.

The exhibit is open now through May 25, 2014.
Friday-Sunday; 1:30pm-4:30pm

Photo courtesy of Arlington Heights Historical Museum.

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New Safety Plan at Lake Arlington Path Begins Today; Launch, Walk & Roll Orientation Event, 8 AM To 4 PM, Saturday May 24, 2014


New changes described as “permanent” changes have been implemented around Lake Arlington in Arlington Heights effective today.

Safety changes were implemented after a fatal accident that killed Barbara Pagano, age 74, when she was hit by an 11-year-old bicyclist that was part of a large group of children on a field trip at Lake Arlington. One bicyclist swerved to avoid Barbara Pagano, but a second bicyclist then hit her. She fell and suffered a fatal head injury. Bike path safety signs and markings, and an interim safety plan were immediately implemented.

Bicyclists and wheeled users (excluding wheelchairs) are required to travel in a counter clockwise direction every day using the outside lane of the path.

Pedestrians, runners, people with strollers and wheelchairs are permitted to travel in either direction using the inside lane of the path.

SOURCE: Arlington Heights Park District

New Safety Plan
Starting today, as the Arlington Heights Park District Boat House opens on May 1, 2014, the inside lane of the path around the lake is bi-directional and reserved for runners, pedestrians walkers, walkers with strollers and people in wheelchairs.

During the previous interim safety plan, runners, pedestrians walkers, walkers with strollers and people in wheelchairs were required to all travel in the opposite direction of bicyclists, who were permitted to ride, and will still be permitted to ride in one direction (counter clockwise) in the outer lane in the new plan.

At a community meeting in October 2013, residents expressed disappointment that the interim safety plan limited families from enjoying the path together because young children who ride their bikes couldn’t accompany parents or other family members walking or jogging in the same direction.

Some people were concerned that there was increased security risk of having all pedestrians travel in the same direction, because without any oncoming pedestrians, it was easier for an offender to sneak up and assault a pedestrian from behind.

The Arlington Heights Park District will host a Launch, Walk & Roll event, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 24, 2014 to orient visitors about the pathway changes. There will be giveaways and demos from Angler’s International Resources, Elite Athletic Development, Runners High N’ Tri, Mount Prospect Bike Club, Trotters of Arlington Heights, Village Cycle Sport, Wheeling Wheelmen Bike Club, and more.

The Launch, Walk & Roll event is free and no registration is required.

See also …
Arlington Heights Park District Park District Listened, Learned, Launching Lake Arlington Season

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Autumn Harvest at North School Park Coming Soon on Saturday, October 11, 2014


Autumn Harvest will be held on Saturday, October 11, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at North School Park, Arlington Heights Road and Eastman Street. Make plans now for the scarecrow building contest (all materials supplied), hayride, kids crafts and live entertainment, guessing the weight of the large pumpkin, stopping in for a lunch break or visiting the animals at the petting zoo!

Live entertainment acts from the local schools and park district groups will be scheduled throughout the event. Scarecrow building will begin at 11 a.m. and scarecrows will be judged at 2 p.m.

Get ready to enjoy a wonderful day for the entire family. This event is sponsored by the Village’s Special Events Commission in cooperation with the Arlington Heights Park District.

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Arlington Lakes Golf Club Renovation Starts June 2015; Lake Arlington Starts Spring 2016


Arlington Heights Park District is anticipating renovation at Arlington Lakes Golf Club on the south side of town starting June 2015, and upgrades at Lake Arlington on the north side of town starting Spring 2016.


Arlington Lakes Golf Club Renovation
Renovation construction at the golf course will include …

• nine holes re-built with reversal of 1 to 18-hole layout

• re-grass of all 18 holes

• addition of “junior” tee boxes about half distance of fairways

• sand traps reduction from 106 to 50

• creation of continuous paths for motorized golf carts

• re-location of putting practice to front of clubhouse

• patio addition with bar and grill at the back of the clubhouse

The reversal of the 18-hole layout will accommodate a plan to allow golfers to play shorter 3-hole or 6-hole rounds.

The estimated $2.4 million construction project is dependent on bids, and is expected close the golf course from June 7, 2015 until July 1, 2016. The construction project will be funded out from the park district’s capital projects fund. Some costs will be saved by using Arlington Park District staff to remove trees and some other construction preparation work.

The Arlington Lakes banquet hall will remain open for parties and events year round during the construction.

Alternatives for golfers in Arlington Heights include Rolling Green Country Club’s highly rated 18-hole golf course at Rand Road and Euclid Avenue, and Arlington Heights Park District’s Nickol Knoll 9-hole course near Dundee Road and Kennicott Avenue.

View Larger Map


Lake Arlington Renovation
The Arlington Heights Park District has been awarded a 2014/15 OSLAD Grant from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Governor Quinn announced the award on January 3rd that the Park District will receive $400,000 to implement a variety of improvements at Lake Arlington Park.

The Open Space Land Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) program is administered by the IDNR and is funded by the state real estate transfer tax. Arlington Heights Park District was one of 72 communities to receive funding for 75 Illinois projects, which require a 50 percent match.

The Planning Department is currently in design development, planning and permitting stages for the project, with construction slated to take place in Spring 2016. Some of the improvements will include:

Widen and repave the path around Lake Arlington
Large Picnic Shelter
Sensory Garden*
Exercise Stations along the path
Fishing Pier
Expanded Boat Dock
Radio-Controlled Boat Area
Landscaping Improvements
Updated Park Furniture and Signs…and more

* Sensory Gardens usually have an enhanced design to permit wheelchair access/accessibility concerns, provide a stimulating journey through the senses of smell and touch, provide heightened awareness, and bring positive learning experiences. Although features have not been confirmed, some sensory gardens include textured touch-pads, water fixtures that make sounds or music, magnifying-glass screens, and displays with audio and braille.

Construction at Lake Arlington is expected to occur during Spring 2016.

The Arlington Heights Park District expressed gratitude to residents who provided feedback for the master planning process.

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Former Arlington Heights Park District Board Member Sandra L. Fernstrom, Dies


Sandra L. Fernstrom, a long-time resident of Arlington Heights, served as an elected Commissioner of the Arlington Heights Park District for nineteen years, having served with distinction as President of the Board for two years and as Vice President for four.

Fernstrom helped guide the Arlington Heights Park District to two National Gold Medal Awards for Excellence in Park and Recreation Management in 1983 and 1992 and the IPRA/IAPD Distinguished Leisure Service Agency Certification in 1993 and 1998.

She was also instrumental in the development of the Arlington Lakes Golf Club by serving as an original member, Vice-Chairman, and Chairman of the Golf Advisory Committee between 1978-1981; and was instrumental in adding I 43 acres of open land and in the acquisition of over $3,000,000 in local, state and federal grant money for the district; and was active in the advancement of parks and recreation on a state and national level by serving as the President and Vice-President of the Illinois Association of Park Districts and serving on the Board of Directors of the National Recreation and Parks Association.

The Board of Commissioners of the Arlington Heights Park District, on behalf of the residents and employees of the Park District, gave public recognition to Commissioner Fernstrom’s outstanding contributions to the Arlington Heights Park District in July 2000.

Fernstrom was born in Omaha, Nebraska and was a graduate of Bradley University in Peoria, IL.

According to Park District officials, a memorial service is in the process of being planned by Fernstrom’s family. No details about the service were available as of the publish date of this announcement.

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A New, Larger Camelot Park Community Center Re-Opens Saturday, October 11, 2014


After a year of construction and $6.4 million in renovations, the new Arlington Heights Park District Camelot Park Community Center will reopen on Saturday, October 11, 2014.

The new Camelot Park Community Center building is 18,522-square-foot located at 1005 E. Suffield Drive. The park district community center includes a new, larger gymnasium with an elevated walking track, offices, updated fitness equipment and rooms for preschool and other activities, said Anita Pacheco, superintendent of marketing and communications.

Camelot is now the second Arlington Heights Park District building to undergo a complete renovation, following Pioneer Park’s renovation in 2007.

The center also has three new lighted tennis courts, an updated parking lot, a sand volleyball court, a basketball court in the new gymnasium, a baseball field and hundreds of new trees, shrubs and flowers.

The renovations, which added more than 8,000 square feet of additional space, were partially paid for with a $2.5 million Illinois Department of Natural Resources grant, Pacheco said. The rest of the money came from the park district’s capital projects budget.

The community center closed in October 2013 for construction, but the process also included a year of community involvement with meetings and surveys from neighbors to help design the new center.

“Residents have been asking for this for a long time,” Pacheco said.

The old Camelot gymnasium is still part of the old building, but has been renovated and will be used for fitness classes.

“It honors the old and heralds in the new,” Pacheco said.

Energy efficiency was also a top priority when building the new Camelot Community Center, officials said.

All new exterior light fixtures and most of the interior light fixtures are LED lamps to reduce energy consumption and maintenance costs, according to the park district. All rooms have occupancy sensors to turn off lights when they are empty and lights in the main gym will turn off during hours of peak sunlight.

During the grand reopening celebration of Camelot Community Center, the Arlington Heights Park District is hosting a Camelot Faire from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday with jugglers, balloon art and a special appearance by two knights and a princess from Medieval Times Dinner and Tournaments in Schaumburg. Guests can participate in a knight’s training and sword fight demonstration by the Medieval Times members.

Sweet T’s Bakery and Cake Studio will host cupcake decorating at the event, also.

There will also be tours of the new building and demonstrations on the new fitness equipment.

The rest of the parks were scheduled to be updated as well, but voters rejected a tax increase twice in the past few years.

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Lake Arlington Park Improvement Project Underway Through Summer


Weather in early April 2018 slowed down progress in construction in Lake Arlington slightly, but construction crews at Lake Arlington have been working on critical storm water control and grading work. Since March 2018, crews have removed the existing playground equipment in anticipation of two new playgrounds; and the retaining wall installation is nearing completion. The construction, which began March 6, 2018, has had little to no effect on the public’s use of the multi-use pathway, according to the Arlington Heights Park District.

Construction crews have also completed the grading to the shoreline and the sand area (where the former beach playground was located) in preparation for natural plantings. Installation of pilings for the new ADA compliant boardwalk is scheduled to begin in June 2018. Once the new pilings installation is completed, the new fishing pier will be installed and the new, expanded boat dock will be moved to its new location and crews will begin establishing the native plantings.

In the coming weeks, crews will begin laying the foundation to begin the installation of the new playground equipment, multi-generational area with picnic shelter and game tables, and a sensory garden.

The sensory garden will provide visitors with a relaxing environment appealing to the senses with flowers, shrubs, flowers and other landscape features including a decorative fountain and musical instruments. The garden environment is being designed with the purpose of stimulating the senses. This stimulation occurs courtesy of plants and the use of materials and play features that engage one’s senses of sight, smell, touch, and sound.

Rhapsody musical instruments are also part of Lake Arlington’s efforts to engage musicians of all abilities. A collection of chimes, metallophones, and drums will help visitors of all ages discover the subtle shifts of tones and individual sound combinations. A new fitness area with equipment is also in the works adjacent to the sensory garden.

The estimated $1.4 million project will be funded, in part, with $400,000 from an Illinois Department of Natural Resource (IDNR) Open Space Land Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) Grant. The Park District’s capital improvement budget will fund the balance. The renovation of Lake Arlington is scheduled to be completed by September 1, 2018.

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Upcoming Events in June 2018 in Arlington Heights


June 2018 in Arlington Heights features Pokemon Go Community Day by the Arlington Heights Park District, concerts at Harmony Park, a Garden Walk by the Arlington Heights Garden Club, and a meeting with book author Chris Raschka at the Arlington Heights Memorial Library.

 JUN 16, 2018 … 

 JUN 21 & 22, 2018 … 

 JUN 24, 2018 … 

 JUN 27-30, 2018 … 



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New Flood Basin Means End of Community Garden at Cypress St and Arlington Heights Rd


The Village Board of Arlington Heights voted to pay $673,573 for engineering and design of a project that would increase the capacity of the existing basin at the northwest corner of Arlington Heights Road and Cypress Street. The increase in size of the stormwater detention basin will alleviate flooding in the neighborhood of Cypress Street, just south of Central Road in Arlington Heights.

The Cypress area engineering study approved Monday also will also include analysis of relocating water mains from rear yards into public rights of way. However, the water main relocation might not take place at the same time as the detention basin enlargement project.

Construction of the estimated $5.8 million water detention project is planned to start in 2019. The project requires the permanent closure at the end of this growing season of Cypress Garden Plots — the village-owned property that provides community garden plots. The 25′ x 30′ plots were rented by the Arlington Heights Park District near capacity this season (May 1, 2018 to October 29, 2018). The plots have been developed by residents primarily for vegetable gardening for many past growing seasons. The Arlington Heights Park District is working to find an option to relocate the garden plots to another park.

The village-owned property was available for the park district’s garden plots, but participating and interested gardeners were informed that the water detention project was planned for replacement of Cypress Garden Plots.

The water detention plans include the necessary underground work to carry water to the area, including the creation of a lift station to pump water to higher elevations. The increased capacity of the Cypress basin is expected to help reduce street and surface flooding in the area.

The water detention project is the first major project to be funded in part by a newly implemented stormwater utility fee. The village board in August 2017 approved a new $6.25-per-month fee to help fund flooding mitigation projects. The revenue will help pay off $10 million the village borrowed in a bond issue earlier this year for the enlarged Cypress basin and five other stormwater projects deemed by village officials to be high priority.

The Cypress area flooding was evaluated as the highest priority of 17 stormwater projects following a storm in July 2011. Flood mitigation project totals area calculated at $40 million.

Design work also is expected to begin soon, planning the installation of larger sewer mains in the downtown area. The downtown upgrades are estimated to cost $2.1 million.

Cypress Park Arlington HeightsCypress Park Arlington Heights across Cypress Street, just north of School District 25 headquarters.



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